Tag Archives: Highway History

Boris drives through ban on unsafe HGVs …

The Times, 2 September 2015, Graeme Paton, Transport Correspondent

New restrictions could be placed on delivery vans in London amid fears that cyclists are being put at risk by a boom in internet shopping.

Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, said that more needed to be done to reduce the congestion they cause after figures suggested that the number of vans in the city would soar by a fifth in the next 15 years.

The measures could include those used during the 2012 Olympics, such as altering delivery times to avoid rush-hour traffic, rerouting vans away from congestion hotspots, marshalling deliveries towards special collection centres and encouraging the use of cycle couriers.

The mayor said that a similar crackdown was needed on minicabs, with the rise of Uber, the booking app, driving a sharp increase in the number of licensed passenger vehicles in the capital.

Mr Johnson made the comments as he introduced a ban on HGVs driving in London without safety equipment to protect cyclists and pedestrians.

In the first move of its kind in Britain, all lorries must be fitted with side guards that prevent cyclists being dragged under the wheels and large mirrors to give drivers a better view of the road.

Transport for London said that other measures were also under consideration, including forcing HGVs to have bigger side windows in the lower panel of the cab door to give drivers direct sight of any cyclists on the road alongside them. Electronic sensors may also be required, and HGVs could be restricted to the routes with the fewest cyclists.

The measures introduced this week follow the deaths of eight cyclists in London so far this year, seven in crashes involving lorries. Figures published in February showed an average of 12 accidents involving cyclists a day.

HGV operators can be fined £1,000 for each breach of the new rules and vehicles can even be banned from driving in London altogether.

Yesterday Mr Johnson said that a “very disproportionate share of cyclist deaths and serious injuries are caused by lorries” and that the scheme would save lives. However, he admitted that action might be needed to curb delivery vans, which have increased sharply in recent years amid an increase in people shopping online.

The changes follow the publication of figures from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency showing that almost 3.5 million small delivery vehicles were registered last year, a rise of a quarter over the past decade.

In London alone, 7,300 vans enter the city an hour during the peak morning rush period, and the DVLA predicted that the figure would swell to almost 9,000 within the next 16 years.

Mr Johnson said: “We think by 2031 there will be a 20 per cent increase in white van traffic just because of internet shopping. We need to do things to reduce congestion from commercial vehicles: marshalling commercial vehicles more efficiently, minimising the number of journeys.”

In the summer of 2012 delivery firms were encouraged to operate outside of rush-hour periods and to consider using more efficient loads.

Mr Johnson said: “You can do what we did during the Olympics, where we had a regime that tried to have specific marshalling points in areas where big loads are brought in and then dispersed in a more rational and efficient way.

“It is a big technical problem. Internet shopping is creating more traffic and we need to address it.”

He added: “We think there are too many minicabs that have been licensed — that’s adding to the congestion. We need to be able to control the number of minicab licences.”

Join the Times cycle safety campaign at thetimes.co.uk/citiesfitforcycling


Hydrogen fuel station lands next to the M1 …

The Times, 14 September 2015, Robert Lea.

It’s all very Raymond Baxter, a Tomorrow’s World of driverless cars zooming around powered on hydrogen. The first part of that dream is the buzz of an automotive industry bringing together the next generation of sensors, onboard computers and pinpoint GPS. As for hydrogen — well, the future has arrived.

On Thursday a hydrogen refuelling station will open just off the M1, in Rotherham. It will mean that the first generation of hydrogen fuel-cell cars — the Toyota Mirai and Hyundai FCV ix35 — with ranges of 350 miles and more, the same as conventional petrol and diesel vehicles, can comfortably drive up from London, around the north and return home.

The M1 plant, barely the size of a couple of football pitch penalty boxes, also represents the future of hydrogen production. The South Yorkshire forecourt — you can spot it some way off because of its towering wind turbine — will be producing green hydrogen on site, taking power from the turbine or the grid, adding water, putting it through three stacks of electrolysis fuel cells and splitting the H from the O, the oxygen byproduct. The hydrogen is pushed into your car via high-pressure nozzle looking much like a petrol pump.

This is the brainchild of ITM Power, an AIM-listed, Sheffield-based company. Graham Cooley, its chief executive, calls is “a major turning point. This is the launch of a new fuel, one with no carbon molecules and located on the UK’s major highway.”

There are a few existing hydrogen fuel stations powered by industrial gases companies such as BOC and Air Products, sited mostly for bus and van hydrogen schemes. ITM is rolling out more publicly available refuelling stations: at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, west London; at the Rainham Centre of Engineering Excellence in east London; and at a garden centre at Denham on the M40 in Buckinghamshire. It has also signed up with Big Oil to put its unobtrusive hydrogen-making containers into three as-yet-unnamed Shell filling stations in the southeast.

Dr Cooley believes that the UK will have 65 hydrogen refuelling stations by 2020 and promises that when economies of scale arrive, the pump price will be significantly lower than petrol or diesel.

But he does have a beef with government, which “has not been a keen fuel cell supporter and needs to start putting its back behind it”.


Driverless cars arrive on British streets …

The Times, 15 September 2015,Graeme Paton

Britain’s first driverless cars will be revealed today as scientists prepare to start full public trials of the technology in the UK.

Two-person “pods” will run on pedestrianised areas in Milton Keynes as part of a £19 million scheme to develop autonomous vehicles. The electric cars, capable of speeds of 15mph, will be designed to travel between the station and a shopping centre.

Three vehicles will be shown today before being taken to the University of Oxford’s mobile robotics group to be fitted with autonomous sensors. Full trials will begin in Milton Keynes within a month.

Others will take place in Greenwich and Bristol.

Andrew Jones, the roads minister, hailed the trial as a key milestone. “Driverless cars will benefit our society, the economy and road safety which is why we are investing millions into research and trials,” he told The Times.

The development is being led by the Transport Systems Catapult, a government-backed research centre.


Single-lane A-roads far more dangerous than motorways …

Motorists are eight times more likely to be badly injured on single-lane A-roads than on motorways, research shows.

A new report found that the risk factor was significantly higher on single carriageways because of the lack of lay-bys and crash barriers as well as the presence of dangerous junctions.

The study found that 18 per cent of the busiest roads had an “unacceptably high risk”, up from 14 per cent a year earlier. Researchers also identified the ten most dangerous stretches of roads in Britain and found that all were single carriageway A-roads.

The A18 between Laceby and Ludborough, Lincolnshire, was found to be the most dangerous road, with 17 fatal or serious crashes between 2011 and 2013 on a 16km (ten-mile) stretch, up from ten in the previous three-year period.

The A36 at Totton, west of Southampton, was the second worst road, with 17 deaths on a 6km stretch, up from 12 in the previous three years. Other blackspots include the A44 between Llangurig and Aberystwyth, in mid-Wales, and the A532 in Crewe.

The Road Safety Foundation, which published the report, said that A-roads should be given a greater share of funding to address urgent safety concerns.

Lord Whitty, chairman of the foundation, said: “On many A-roads, the margin for human error is often small. The largest single cause of death is running off the road, where poor roadside protection can see brutal impacts.”

For motorways, 95 per cent of the network was deemed low risk and 5 per cent low-medium risk. For dual carriageways, 25 per cent were low risk and 75 per cent low-medium risk. No part of the single carriageway network was considered low risk.

The report comes weeks before Highways England, which is responsible for maintaining England’s strategic roads network, publishes a blueprint to reduce accidents. Its goal is to ensure that the serious accident rate on major roads is “close to zero” by 2040.

A Highways England spokesman said the organisation had pledged that 90 per cent of its roads would have the highest safety ratings by 2020, adding: “England’s motorways and major A-roads are some of the safest in the world but we are committed to improving safety even further.”


Living wage is big bump in road for Stagecoach …

The Times, 16 September 2015, Alex Ralph

Concerns about the cost of the new living wage caught up with Stagecoach yesterday as investors alighted after bearish broker comments.

Shares in Stagecoach were among the biggest fallers across the FTSE 350 after analysts at Investec told investors to sell the stock following a wide-ranging review of the bus and rail market.

Running the numbers, Investec said that the market was assuming an unrealistically high share of the future UK rail market for Stagecoach. It also found that the living wage would hit margins most in the regional bus market, where wage levels are generally lower and Stagecoach has the greatest exposure, with an estimated 20,075 staff. That compared with Go-Ahead, its rival, with 6,800. Investec said that Stagecoach’s margins could be hit the most by the living wage, by between £24 million and £47 million.

Alex Paterson, an analyst at Investec, argued that “lower fuel prices will help partially to mitigate it, but we do not believe the likely increase to labour costs can be fully passed on through higher fares in the short term”.

Shares in Stagecoach tumbled 9½p to 345¼p, underperforming a wider London stock market that shrugged off losses earlier in the session to close in positive territory.

Mini adventures with toy cars …

Kim Leuenberger is covering the Goodwood Revival, which starts on Friday, where she will be photographing some of the most expensive cars ever produced, as well as capturing the nostalgia of motoring. Yet she is more used to shooting far smaller models – toy cars set in the landscape.

The series, called Travelling Cars, began more than four years ago when, having received a camera for her birthday, Leuenberger took some pictures of toys, including the blue van as seen above, for a project to raise awareness about autism that was running on image-sharing platform Instagram.


British Science Festival 2016 in Swansea …

British Science Festival 2016

Last night the British Science Association (BSA) made the exciting announcement Swansea University will host the next British Science Festival, from 6th – 9th September 2016.

The annual four-day festival is Europe’s longest-standing national event connecting people with scientists, engineers, technologists and social scientists, and we are delighted the BSA has chosen Swansea to hold this vibrant celebration of science, technology, and engineering.

Swansea University is driving knowledge economy growth and hosting this iconic festival will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the power of science to deliver social and economic transformation.

The British Science Festival 2016 will focus on an audience of non-specialist adults with a broad interest in science, delivering 100 events specially curated by the BSA in partnership with the University.

World-leading academics from Swansea, as well as other institutions and organisations across the UK, will present, discuss, and debate cutting-edge science – across the scientific spectrum including technology, engineering, and social sciences – at a range of different events, from talks to performances.

A Fringe festival for families and community audiences will also take place on the weekend of 10th – 11th September 2016, coordinated by the University, the BSA, and local partners across the city.

We are thrilled the BSA has recognised Swansea’s phenomenal success in the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014), as well as our ambition to make even greater strides in the future through our new science and innovation Bay Campus development, which opens in under two weeks.

We look forward to welcoming the British Science Festival to Swansea in 2016, which will again shine the international spotlight on our world-leading research.

For more information, please visit the BSA website.

Digital Past 2016 …

Digital Past 2016

New technologies in heritage, interpretation and outreach.

10th–11th February, 2016

St George’s Hotel, Llandudno

Digital Past is a two day conference which showcases innovative digital technologies for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of heritage sites and artefacts. Running for the eighth year, Digital Past 2016 will be held in the elegant St George’s Hotel in the Victorian resort of Llandudno. The event will offer a combination of papers, seminars and hands-on workshops and demonstrations to investigate the latest technical survey and interpretation techniques and their practical application in heritage interpretation, education and conservation.

Call for contributions.

We are seeking submissions from those working on innovative projects on the themes outlined below in a research or operational capacity, who can contribute to this forward looking conference. Contributions can be made through formal presentations, seminars or workshops, or more informally through the ‘unconference’ session or a show stand. Please find details of the various formats below.


The two main themes for this year’s conference are Digital Survey: An Integrated Approach (topics including, but not limited to, BIM, GIS, digital archiving, Big Data, utilising the Cloud, intellectual property, digital publication) and Digital Heritage Tourism (topics including, but not limited to, digital storytelling, gaming, engaging children, heritage tourism and regeneration, sustainability, heritage tourism platforms, Digital Tourism: Is it working?)


20 minute papers presented in a conventional arrangement of presentation and PowerPoint format. Each session will consist of 4 such papers, with a 10 minute question and discussion period at the end of each session. Due to the tightly packed schedule, a strict adherence to time will be followed.

Seminar sessions:

45 minute seminars designed to promote discussion of a particular issue or topic. Each seminar will be led by two or three speakers on one of the themes above, providing 5 minute presentations with 30 minutes general discussion from the floor.


To be held on the morning of the 11th February. Workshops should offer practical, hands-on demonstrations or training in a particular aspect of digital technology with heritage applications. Workshops may be either a single session of 90 minutes or two of 40 minutes.

To make a submission for any of the above, please send a short outline (100-150 words) of your proposed presentation/seminar discussion/workshop to susan.fielding@rcahmw.gov.uk together with details of your name and organisation.

Unconference Session:

A series of 15 minute sessions which can be booked by any delegate attending on a first-come, first-served basis.  Booking will be available from 9.30am on the first day of the conference only. These sessions will allow for presentation on any project, research or issue relating to the use of digital technology in heritage. Presentations may be pre-prepared using PowerPoint, or purely in response to other discussions/issues raised during the event.


A limited number of Exhibition or Poster stands will be available for a two-day booking. Larger stands are available at a cost of £215 or a Poster stand at a cost of £165 and include the cost of one conference registration (prices are not subject to VAT). Booking will be available via EventBrite when conference registration is opened.

Deadline for Submissions

The deadline for the submission of papers, seminars and workshops is Friday, 2nd October 2015. Decisions will be made after consideration of the merits of the individual submissions and their fit into the overall programme, and applicants notified by Friday, 16th October 2015.

Free registration for the event will be extended to those presenting a paper, seminar or workshop. Please note that while we are happy to have submissions which include more than one speaker, we can only offer one free registration per submission. We regret that no further expenses can be offered.

For overseas applicants, presentation of papers via live-web streaming may be considered.

For further information or any questions please contact Susan Fielding at susan.fielding@rcahmw.gov.uk or on 01970 621219



We look forward to welcoming you to Digital Past in 2016.


The Digital Past Team

‘The Ordnance Survey Story’, BBC4 9 September …

‘A Very British Map : The Ordnance Survey Story’, part of the Timeshift series, will be shown on BBC4 at 9pm next Wednesday 9 September. This may include contributions from various Charles Close Society members who were filmed during the making of the programme, including Dr Richard Oliver who will speak at our Autumn Conference.

The programme will be available on BBC iPlayer from Thursday 10 September for one month at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06b36q3


All aboard to beat the Tube strike …

They’re not always known for their sunny disposition and helpful manner, but London’s bus drivers won the praise of passengers yesterday for keeping the capital moving in the face of a Tube strike that had threatened to bring chaos.

Commuters took to social media to salute some of the 8,200 drivers who were behind the wheel at the height of the industrial action.

Despite earning less than half that of their peers on the Underground, many drivers came in on their days off to work additional shifts, with 250 extra buses put into service.

This included about 60 drivers taking control of a fleet of vintage buses — some dating from 1946 — that was drafted in to ease overcrowding on routes in central London and the East End.

One over-eager driver was pictured cutting his bus in front of an ambulance and jumping a red light in an attempt to beat the traffic. Others were lauded for their calm amid the chaos.

Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, condemned the “bone-headed” strike and accused unions of holding a gun to Londoners’ heads with the action — the second walkout in a month.

The 24-hour strike, which ended last night, was called as part of a long-running protest over the introduction of an all-night Tube service. Unions want guarantees on working hours, more pay and extra staff. Other strikes are expected within weeks.

It emerged yesterday that the Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT), one of four involved in the dispute, was calling for pay rises in line with increases in the capital’s house prices, which are predicted to rise by 25 per cent over five years.

The walkout led to lengthy queues for buses and cramped conditions on vehicles. Some passengers complained of sweltering conditions on the mayor’s new generation of Routemasters.

One private bus company, Travel Masters, began an investigation after a driver was filmed swearing and racially abusing a passenger.

At the peak of the morning rush-hour, almost 200 miles of queueing traffic and 428 jams were recorded by the satellite navigation company TomTom. There was double the congestion on a normal Thursday in the capital.

Many passengers found reasons to be cheerful, however. “Today is a momentous day: the bus driver let us stand on the top deck,” one wrote on Twitter.

Another passenger said: “My bus driver was on another level this morning. He deserves a raise.” A third said: “After this morning’s save by an epic bus driver, I think we should halve Tube staff pay and double bus drivers’.” Other comments included a passenger who said: “Totally impressed with my calm bus driver amongst the chaos and impatient commuters.”

Another added: “Yay! Friendly Geordie bus driver got me to my bucket collection early. Winning on Tube strike day.”

Some drivers were a little too eager to get their passengers to their destination on time, however. One London Ambulance worker posted a picture online of the back of a bus, adding: “This bus pulled out in front of my ambulance in Euston then jumped a red light!”

Natasha Lambert, 42, a driver for Go-Ahead London, the biggest bus operator in the capital, was behind the wheel of the 77 between Tooting and Waterloo yesterday. Part of the route was a nightmare, she said, explaining how she used her PA system to warn passengers of jams ahead, allowing them to get off early and walk. In another incident, she left her cab at Waterloo to escort a passenger to the correct stop.

“Sometimes bus drivers do get a raw deal but there are quite a few people like myself who will go the extra mile to help passengers out,” she said. “Talking politely tends to neutralise every situation; that’s what I find. I have a calm nature.”

Mick Cash, the RMT general secretary, said: “Our dispute is not with the travelling public, it is with those who have botched the introduction of Night Tube and who are trying to plug staffing gaps by wrecking any chance of a decent work/life balance for our members. It really is as simple as that.”

How the jobs compare

Bus driver
Pay Typical pay ranges from £17,000 to £25,000, depending on which of the 18 companies in the capital a driver works for, according to the unions. In some cases salaries can reach just under £30,000
Hours Bus drivers typically work a 38-hour week on one of 670 routes, with some working night shifts
Holiday One of the biggest companies in the capital says that staff are given 20 days’ holiday a year, rising to 23 days after five years

Tube driver
Pay Drivers start on £49,673 a year, well above the £41,500 average London salary, according to Transport for London. After five years, salaries can rise to between £50,000 and £60,000
Hours Underground drivers work a standard 36-hour week. Some Tube unions have been campaigning for drivers to be put on a 32-hour, four-day week
Holiday Drivers are entitled to 43 days of leave every year