National Tramway Museum journals disposal …

I am the Librarian at the National Tramway Museum and we have recently been going through our archives to see if there is any material that we no longer need. We have a number of journals that we are planning to dispose of [all transport related] and we wondered if you might be able to send a message to your members to see if anyone is interested in them. They would need to collect them from Crich or pay postage if they would like them sent.

Click National Tramway Museum Journals for Disposal list June 2016  for the list.

Robert Morris
The National Tramway Museum

Tel: 01773 854337

Motorcycle Studies Conference (IJMS) and Motorcycle Cultures Exhibition, 14-16 July 2016 …

The 6th International Journal of Motorcycle Studies conference will be hosted at Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London, 14-16 July 2016. This is an interdisciplinary conference with a curated exhibition to include examples of designed objects, advertising, fashion and photography, film and textiles to coincide with the conference.

The conference themes will aim to encompass art, design, cultural studies (sub- and pop- culture, gender, identity etc.), fashion studies, sustainability, history and visual culture, science and engineering.
The event itself aims to attract a mixture of delegates from different academic disciplines, designers, enthusiasts and people from industry.

Making the Connections: transport and its place in history, 16 November, University of York …

Making the Connections: transport and its place in history Wednesday 16 November, 2016, Kings Manor, University of York

Transport has played a pivotal role in history, transforming and shaping communities, society, economies and nations. Naval power – military and merchant – was the basis upon which empires were built from the fifteenth century to the twentieth, while canals stimulated the expansion of industries and trade, becoming popular leisure activities decades later. The railways of the nineteenth century connected previously isolated individuals to the wider world, pushed through cities to re-configure urban living, while the companies themselves became the largest industrial enterprises of the age. The internal combustion engine allowed more flexible distribution of goods and commodities, facilitated the growth of consumerism, while car ownership changed personal mobility and people’s perceptions of their own social status. The aeroplane allowed new forms of military reconnaissance to be conducted, transformed the nature of war, and revolutionised the holiday as well as notions of time and space. All forms of transport have been the subject of great artistic, poetic and literary works.

It is easy to find such examples of transport’s impact on history, but for several reasons it has proven harder to study its intricacies and effects, and over the last thirty years the subject has received little attention, with some even arguing that it has been progressively marginalised within scholarly circles. Whereas decades ago, no book on the nineteenth century would omit the construction of the canals and railways, now their existence and role in shaping the period’s history receives little acknowledgement. The ‘Making the Connections’ one-day workshop seeks to re-invigorate the study of the history of transport by bringing together scholars of different historical periods and from different disciplines. Sponsored by the National Railway Museum and run by the York Transport Historians Group, which was established in 2015 and is a joint venture by staff at the National Railway Museum and the University of York, the workshop aims to demonstrate and celebrate transport’s central importance to the grand tapestry of human existence. Papers are welcome on the development and activity of transport in and of itself, although principally the workshop will examine how transport has connected with, shaped and influenced many areas of history, and how studying this relationship can enrich and add value to different strands of historical and academic study.

Please submit abstracts for 20 minute papers of no longer than 300-500 words to by 7 August. Proposals for papers on transport in history are accepted on the following subjects, although any relevant papers will be considered:

  • Speed, time, and travel.
  • Building, destroying, and rebuilding networks.
  • Children and the experience of travel and communication.
  • Business, organisational and managerial dimensions of transport
  • Women and transport.
  • International transport.
  • Transport and finance, economics and law
  • Advertising, promoting, and selling transport.
  • Staffing and running transport.
  • Writing or reading about transport.
  • Transport conflicts: danger vs safety, public vs private, work vs leisure.
  • Transporting animals, goods, or other materials.
  • Accessibility and disability.
  • Transport and the military, politics or ceremony
  • Sensing and experiencing transport modes.
  • Impact of transport on people, landscapes, and environments.
  • Connections of assistance or animosity.
  • Presenting, studying, or researching transport history in universities, museums, or further afield.

Notification of acceptance will be given by 28 August 2016.

Full registration fee for the workshop will be £29, and there are 10 student places available at £10 each.

Rare Dinky toy collection fetches £150k at Devon auction …

A Dinky toy collection of about 3,500 cars has fetched £150,000 at an auction of “international significance”.

John Kinchen, from Portsmouth, collected the vehicles for decades before his death last year, with models dating from 1937 to the early 1970s.

The rarest model, a South African issue Dinky 139 Ford Consul Cortina, sold for £800 in Exmouth, Devon.

Auctioneer Piers Motley said the collection had been “well known amongst the Dinky world for decades”.

As a child Mr Kinchen was bought a couple of pre-war dinkies as a child, which sparked his enthusiasm for the miniature vehicles, Mr Motley said.

“He went on Blue Peter to promote collecting”, Mr Motley added.

The collection, which passed to Mr Kinchen’s cousins on his death, was expected to raise between £140,000 and £200,000.

Toy expert Bob Leggett said collectors were “very much a grey-haired audience” who were willing to spend a lot of money “to recreate their youth”.

“When we were young we didn’t have as many toys as people have today and therefore they were treasured much more”, he said.

He said part of the “thrill” for collectors came from chasing the more elusive models they did not have during their childhoods.

“The golden era of Dinky Toys was probably the 1950s to the 1960s and there’s a lot of people who are retiring in their late 60s who are still collecting, and they have disposable income, they’re the baby-boom generation”, Mr Leggett said.

He said Dinky toys, which were manufactured from the 1930s to the 1970s, largely had the model vehicle market to themselves until the 1950s, and therefore had a “slightly larger collecting fraternity” today than later rival brands such as Corgi Toys.

All change: plan to stop councils running new buses …

The Times, 8 June 2016,

Councils will be banned from setting up bus companies to run their own services under a major reform of public transport, it emerged last night.

A clause introduced to the Bus Services Bill was criticised by Labour as a “senselessly partisan” attack.

Ten municipal bus operators remain in England and Wales after a drastic reduction in the 1980s, and many are highly rated. Reading Buses was operator of the year in 2015 and Nottingham City Transport has the best passenger satisfaction rating of any provider. As existing companies, they will not be affected by the law change.

The bill, which the House of Lords will debate today, was part of the Queen’s Speech and had been introduced as an attempt to boost local mayoral control over buses, which provide more than 60 per cent of public transport trips. More than 4.65 billion journeys were made in England last year.

It will give mayors in cities such as Manchester and Birmingham the power to franchise services, with more control over ticketing, routes, frequency and fares, and raises the prospect of Transport for London’s operation being emulated in other major cities. The new clause seeks to prevent councils directly running their own buses rather than franchising to private companies such as Stagecoach and FirstGroup.

A spokeswoman for the Department for Transport said the bill would give councils more influence over services and so it would “not be appropriate for them to also provide these services”.

Lilian Greenwood, the shadow transport secretary, said: “A ban on municipal ownership was not mentioned once in the government’s consultation and it’s incredibly disappointing to see this ideological and divisive clause appear.”

South Wales Transport Bristol VR VTH 941T under threat …

4 June 2016,

David Llewellyn says the south Wales Metro has potential to unlock further growth.

As successful city regions throughout the world, such as Stuttgart and Øresund (Copenhagen/Malmö), are increasingly demonstrating, working smarter and more innovatively with our natural environmental assets is necessary and vital for underpinning sustainable economic growth and wellbeing.

 The Cardiff Capital Region Metro provides myriad opportunities to enhance the region’s sustainability. In addition to direct reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced energy-efficient land use, effective strategic planning should enable create better connected, more cohesive communities. Moreover, the Metro affords great opportunities to maximise the potential of the region’s Green Infrastructure and tourism assets, providing both increased economic and environmental benefits, as well as improving health and well-being, and contributing to the creation of a sustainable, forward-looking city region.

It is understood that a number of options and projects are being considered for Metro, each with its own challenges and benefits. Conversion of the Rhymney Valley Line to light rail, for example, opens up the potential for more frequent services and the re-opening of the line to Treharris via Nelson to passenger services. This brief discussion paper primarily highlights two major ways in which this specific development could support the economic and environmental aims of the Metro. First, linking the Metro effectively with the environmental (and, indeed, heritage) assets that lie close or adjacent to its routes should encourage greater recreational use by local communities and, vitally, add to green growth in the region by helping to develop the still largely untapped potential of responsible tourism in the valleys. Second, development of the transportation corridors themselves can enhance the ecosystem services they provide, boosting resilience to climate change as well as creating biodiversity gains and increases in ecological connectivity.

The natural and cultural assets of the Valleys provide major opportunities to stimulate sustainable regeneration. In the Cardiff Capital Region, direct GVA from tourism is around £535 million supporting an estimated 68,700 direct FTEs. Indirect benefits of tourism extend this with multiplier impacts to a further estimated £250 million expenditure supporting approximately another 8000 FTEs. Although Cardiff generates about 40% of the direct GVA, with the coastal belt also contributing greatly, the contribution of the Valleys is nevertheless substantial. Indeed, through initiatives such as the Valleys Regional Park, the area’s natural and cultural heritage tourism offer has developed greatly in recent years. However, there remains huge scope to develop this further.

The expanding Valleys Cycle Network can develop further as a tourism attraction itself with possible developments such as the reopening of former railway tunnels across the valleys such as that between the Afan and Rhondda Fawr valleys offering great opportunities for cycling tourism particularly as attractions improve their offers for this market. The Metro can also play a key role complementing a programme of enhancement and further development of key green travel routes linking town centres and attractions such as country parks but also the wider countryside, whilst better connecting areas of housing and employment.

Development of the Metro in the Rhymney Valley, with the associated opportunity for conversion of the line across to Treharris through Nelson, will afford enhanced and promoted access to a number of key sites including country parks such as Parc Penallta, Parc Cwm Darran, and Parc Taf Bargoed, and heritage sites such as Butetown and Llancaiach Fawr.

The potential for the Metro to further unlock the tourism potential is enormous by linking cycling and walking routes with the new Light Rail line, increasing cycle parking at stations and providing the opportunities for development of new businesses such as cycle hire and accommodation close by.

These could be integrated; for example, in Belgium, the national rail company offers single B-dag TRIP tickets that offer joint rail travel and entrance to appropriate destinations (it should be borne in mind that many destinations such as museums in Wales are free although attractions such as Caerphilly Castle incur entrance fees) as well as ‘Trein + Huurfiets’ tickets which combine rail travel and bike hire that promote travel to destinations without the need for car use. In Greater Manchester, the recent tram extension to MediaCity at Salford Quays, where there are 300 cycle racks alone, has provided multimodal options linking surrounding areas with the Quays through safe cycling and walking routes.

There are increasing global examples of enhanced coordination of sustainable transportation routes and green infrastructure networks, e.g. through the Verband Region Stuttgart (VRS) in the Stuttgart city region, and in Singapore where there are proposals to preserve areas around rail routes as green corridors to mitigate the effects of ecological fragmentation.

In the US, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District near to Charlottesville, Virginia has made efforts to coordinate GI and transport planning better where the emphasis has been integrating green infrastructure improvements and strategic transport planning rather than simply seeking to offset potential adverse environmental impacts, which is mostly the case at present. In this respect, the Metro offers the chance for the Cardiff Capital Region to be in the vanguard and future-proof transport developments.

The newly-published EU Horizon 2020 programme proposals on Smart, Green and Integrated Transport emphasise the ‘growing need to make infrastructure more resilient, including to climate change, to keep pace with the growing mobility needs and aspirations of people and businesses and to reduce the impact of infrastructure on the environment (air pollution, fragmentation of ecosystems, health and noise)’ with a view to providing innovative and cost-saving approaches to use Green Infrastructure for transport.

In India, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has built a host of eco-friendly energy-efficient features into its developing Badarpur-Faridabad corridor including its first-ever ‘green’ solar sub-station at Faridabad to provide power to a 13.875-km elevated corridor of the route. As reported in Scientific American, there are new development in the US where the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority in Philadelphia is combining regenerative braking with new developments in battery storage whilst the new Portland to Milwaukie light railway transit project is aiming to use supercapacitors for storing electricity from regenerative braking. Could similar developments in south east Wales improve energy consumption and efficiency with the intriguing possibility perhaps of producing local energy?

A recent ADAS research report highlighted the benefits of managing ‘soft estate’ areas along green infrastructure corridors adjacent to road and rail lines for enhancements in biodiversity and ecological connectivity. Moreover, it is clear that in doing so, these can also prevent flooding events and the associated negative impacts on passenger travel, such as those seen in the Cynon Valley in December 2013, which are predicted to be more likely to occur through climate change. In Nantes, which was the European Green Capital 2013 and where the current tram system was re-introduced in 1985, green spaces have been developed along the tracks to make it more attractive. In Freiburg, so-called ‘Green Trams’ run on routes where between there is grass between tracks which with adjacent tree planting similarly contributes to noise reduction and this has been combined with the development of pedestrian and cycle routes alongside.

Water taxi that goes straight to your door …

The Times, 28 May 2016,

High-speed amphibious taxis could be brought in within 12 months under plans to beat congestion in some of the most traffic-clogged cities.

A British firm has conducted the first successful test of the Humdinga, on the Thames near the O2 Arena

High-speed amphibious taxis could be brought in within 12 months under plans to beat congestion in some of the most traffic-clogged cities.

A British firm has conducted the first successful test of the Humdinga, on the Thames near the O2 Arena in a move that could halve journey times between east and west London.

A real ‘Humdinga’ of a commute

The vehicle seats up to nine people and wheels fold beneath the 23ft chassis in less than five seconds upon hitting water. It uses a carbon fibre chassis and a powerful engine to travel at more than 30mph on water — three times as fast as existing vehicles — and 80mph on land.

The inventor, Gibbs Technologies, based in Nuneaton, claims that it is close to a deal to mass-produce the amphibious taxi, which could be running on the Thames in a year or two. It added that the technology could be adapted to other cities, such as Glasgow, Liverpool, New York or San Francisco.
The Humdinga travels at more than 30mph on water

Official forecasts suggest that traffic levels will rise by a third in 25 years. The Department for Transport estimates that average morning rush-hour speeds could fall to less than 24mph in urban areas. In London, they could fall to 13mph.

The Thames has a speed limit of 12 knots — just under 14mph — and the vehicles would also have to be licensed by the Port of London Authority before carrying passengers.

Neil Jenkins, of Gibbs, which has been working on the technology for 20 years, said: “The Thames is severely underutilised and this is all about using it as a thoroughfare, as it was in the 1700s and 1800s.”

Gibbs has built eight vehicles, from a water motorbike and quad bike to a truck capable of carrying two tonnes. The fastest travel at more than 45mph on water and 80mph on land.

Swansea bus museum appeals for donations and helpers …

SWANSEA’S bus museum is appealing for donations, sponsorship and volunteers as it struggles to survive.

The museum, based at Bevans Row in Swansea’s SA1 development, has an impressive collection of historic vehicles.

It consists of buses from South Wales Transport (SWT), its acquisitions, successor and other companies, including United Welsh, Morris Bros, Rees & Williams, Swan Motor Co, Neath & Cardiff (N&C), Llynfi, Red & White and London Transport.

Open top bus rides to Mumbles

The museum also contains a collection of Scammell mechanical horses and military vehicles including Land Rovers and a Green Goddess fire engine.

On Sunday, the museum opened its doors for a special family day in which members of the public were treated to free rides to Mumbles and back on open topped historic buses.

Former South Wales Transport bus conductor and driver Alan West, the chairman of the Swansea Bus Museum, said the Seaside Splash! event was one of a number they are planning to raise the profile of the museum which was finding it tough to survive.

He said:”We don’t get financial backing from any institutions of businesses at the moment including the local council or the Welsh Government.

‘Transport history’

“We have a great resource here and are holding on to a lot of the transport history of this area.”

Speaking on Sunday, Mr West added: “Luckily, the sun has come out for us and we’ve been very busy, the trips to Mumbles and back being very popular.

“We stop in the Mumbles area long enough for our passengers to have an ice cream, then it’s back to the depot. It’s not bad value because it’s all part of the £3 entry fee to the museum.”

The Swansea Bus Museum was formed by Mr West and others in 2004 and initially it was based in Hafod, Swansea, eventually switching to the site in SA1 close to the new Swansea University Bay Campus.

‘We really need to be pulling together now’

Mr West said the museum had considered a number of alternative sites as ownership of its own premises would make applying for grants easier.

But for the time being, the museum officials have now decided to stay in SA1.

Mr West said: “I’m making a heartfelt appeal for as much assistance as possible from members and volunteers on Sundays.

“The future success of the museum depends on all of us, while failure will see the break-up of the collection and the likely loss of many historic vehicles to the scrap man, something we have worked hard to avoid over the years.

“We really need to be pulling together now.”


Explaining the role of volunteers, Mr West said: “Running the museum involves much more than just fixing buses. We need people to help with general duties such as assisting the general public during our opening times and keeping the museum clean and tidy.

“During our event days there is always plenty to do with general organisation, assisting the public, driving (subject to appropriate licence) and conducting.

“Our stall is an important source of income, both during our own shows and at other rallies we visit. An hour spent practising your selling skills can be good for the soul.”

The museum is open to the public every Sunday between 11am and 4pm.

Adult admission is £3 (except shows when higher charges may apply), with accompanied children under the age of 16 admitted free.

Some of the buses and coaches in the museum’s collection are also available for private charter and have proved popular at weddings.


Councils cash in by doubling revenue from parking fees …

The Times, 13 April 2016, Graeme Paton, Transport Correspondent

Councils have almost doubled the money that they collect from householders to let them park outside their home.

A study by the RAC found that in some areas takings from residents’ parking fees had soared by 90 per cent over the past five years.

At least six in ten councils have some form of residential parking scheme, with an average of £59.17 levied on householders. Motorists in one area are charged £750 a year.

Many authorities also impose extra charges, including higher fees to park gas-guzzling cars, register more than one vehicle and to replace lost permits.

Simon Williams, RAC spokesman, said: “Residents without such schemes are often angered when they cannot park near their homes due to the influx of commuters, shoppers and visitors, but many are also annoyed that they have to pay the council for the privilege of being able to park close to their own house or flat.

“What can happen as more schemes are introduced is a domino effect where commuters end up trying to park in the next nearest location to their workplace, shifting the parking problem to another area.”

In the latest study, the RAC surveyed almost 1,800 motorists and obtained details of council receipts from permits using the Freedom of Information Act.

In London, Haringey council’s revenue rose by 90 per cent from just over £1 million in 2010-11 to £1.95 million in 2014-15. Over the same period it increased the number of parking schemes from 15 to 29.

Ealing council’s income rose by 84 per cent, from £938,988 to £1.73 million. Cambridgeshire county council recorded an 80 per cent rise from £254,328 to £458,387 while Carmarthenshire county council brought in an additional 70 per cent — from £31,820 to £53,935.

Some 61 per cent of motorists said that the system simply shifted parking problems to other parts of the borough. Only 17 per cent were actively opposed to the principle of charging if it meant that parking problems in their area could be solved.

A separate study in December found that councils collected a record £1.45 billion from parking tickets and permits last year. This left them with a £700 million surplus after the cost of running their parking services was removed. Councils are banned from using parking as a revenue-raising mechanism.

End of the road for pavement parking …

Motorists face being banned from parking on pavements under new plans to de-clutter residential streets and encourage more people to walk, The Times has learnt.

Ministers are considering extending an all-out ban on pavement parking which has been in place in London for 40 years to the rest of England.

The move would make it illegal to park on the kerb unless local councils expressly grant motorists permission to do so, potentially landing offenders with fines of up to £70.

Ministers also confirmed plans to scrap pelican crossings in favour of “puffin crossings” that hold traffic for longer and rely on a green man crossing signal at head height as well as at the other side of the road.

Road safety campaigners and disability groups welcomed the proposed ban on pavement parking.

The Times, 16 April 2016, Graeme Paton, Transport Correspondent

However, motoring organisations claimed that the new powers could be abused by councils in order to raise revenue, warning that many already failed to provide sufficient street parking.

Edmund King, president of the AA, said: “The concern would be that local authorities will be able to ban pavement without looking at the consequences or studying the alternatives. Getting rid of pavement parking is fine but only if you then remove some redundant double-yellow lines to create space elsewhere.” Pavement parking has been banned in London since 1974. Councils are required to seek exemptions to the rule, with motorists often warned of changes through special blue parking signs and white bay lines.

Outside the capital, parking on pavements is generally allowed except where vehicles are causing an obstruction or on roads with other restrictions such as double-yellow lines. Councils usually have to resort to a bureaucratic “traffic regulation order” to impose an all-out ban in a local area.

The Department for Transport has now confirmed that it is considering overhauling the rules to bring the rest of the country in line with the capital. Its recent cycling and walking investment strategy outlined a commitment to “examining pavement parking outside London” this year.

This included investigating the “legal and financial implications of an alternative pavement parking regime and the likely impacts on local authorities”.

Councils outside London would be able to levy parking penalties of up to £70 for offenders.

A spokesman for the department said: “We are currently considering the rules around pavement parking, including whether more can be done to make it easier for councils to tackle problem areas in a consistent way. Work is ongoing and no decisions have been made.”