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Older People: Making sense of the costs and benefits of travel – April 1, London, FREE

Chartered Institute of Logisitics and Transport

FREE EVENT – full details here.

Date: Tuesday April 1st 2014
Time: 10:00 (for 10:30) – 16:45
Venue: Transport for London, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ

A CILT Accessibility and Inclusion Forum Event

Many of the UK’s large and growing population of older people are making a significant contribution to the country’s economy but the size of the ageing population also creates both economic and social challenges – not least to the transport industries.

The purpose of this seminar is to take an in-depth and balanced look at the reality of enabling older people to remain independently mobile – in both urban and rural communities.

Topics for discussion will include the key part that free bus travel places in enabling many older people to support working age families, and undertake voluntary work among other activities.

Speakers include:

  • Louise Ellman MP, Chair, Transport Select Committee
  • Peter Rayner, Vice President, National Pensioners Convention, and Chair of the CILT Accessibility and Inclusion Forum
  • Ann Frye, Ann Frye Ltd and Vice Chair of the CILT Accessibility and Inclusion Forum
  • Karl Demian, Assistant Director of Strategy & Impact, Royal Volunteer Service
  • Professor Roger Mackett, University College London
  • Rodd Bond, Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • Alice Woudhuysen, Age UK
  • Phil Southall, Operations Director, Oxford Bus Company
  • Philip Oxley, Oxley Research
  • Pauline Reeves, Deputy Director, Sustainable Accessible Travel, DfT

Speakers will also focus on what needs to be done to create environments within which older people can live without support and at how to make sense of the costs of mobility – who pays and who benefits. The perspective of the bus operator will play an important part in this discussion.

The seminar will bring together speakers with a wealth of experience and expertise both academic and practical and will focus on the issues that face the UK in the coming years and how best to address the needs of or ageing populations in a way that makes economic sense for all of us.


To book, contact Membership Services 01536 74010401536 740104 or email quoting Event Code: AIF0305.

Further information:

For the day’s agenda please click here.

Refreshments and a light buffet lunch will be provided.


Gasping for Air

The Times leader, March 13 2014

The capital is playing catch-up in the race to curb traffic pollution

London’s effort to persuade drivers to switch to electric cars with an £8 million network of charging stations has been a miserable failure. Almost no one uses them. Even so, Vincent Bolloré, a French billionaire, wants to invest £100 million in expanding the system and setting up a fleet of 3,000 electric rental cars to run on it.

Good luck to him. It is Mr Bolloré’s money and if one result of his investment is that more of those who already drive in London do so in zero-polluting vehicles it will help to improve the city’s air quality. There is, however, a more effective way of tackling this extremely urgent problem, both in the capital and the rest of the country. This is to speed up the electrification of two of the biggest polluters in Britain’s cities — taxis and buses.

Particulate pollutants, better known as fumes, cause cancer and respiratory illness on a scale that dwarfs the public health impact of traffic accidents and disproportionately affects the very young. A World Health Organisation study last year blamed air pollution for 29,000 premature deaths in Britain each year. It singled out London as one of the most polluted cities in Europe. Adding insult to injury, the European Commission threatened the capital last month with fines of up to £300 million for persistently failing to tackle its dangerously high levels of nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant blamed mainly on road traffic and linked to still births and poor cognitive development.

Boris Johnson’s efforts to cut London’s air pollution are in the right direction, but so far they are trifling compared with what is needed and what is being done elsewhere.

The technology exists to replace heavy duty, heavily polluting diesel engines with all-electric and hybrid propulsion systems, and other countries are seizing it. Over the past five years Britain’s Green Bus Fund has dispersed £88 million to help pay for 1,250 hybrid and battery-powered buses nationwide. Last week an order for 1,200 all-electric buses was placed by a single Chinese city.

The scale of the response in China is partly a result of its acute emergency, fuelled by a reliance on low-quality coal for power generation that is forcing millions to wear masks outdoors and keep children indoors. However, China’s rush to electric buses reflects an awareness of what can be achieved by focusing on transport fleets whose movements are predictable.

Fleet managers know how far and over which routes their vehicles need to travel each day, and where they will be every morning and evening. This vastly improves the feasibility of relying on batteries and hybrids. China’s own leading maker of electric buses, backed heavily by the American investor Warren Buffett, produces a single-decker vehicle sold worldwide with a 150-mile range between charges.

Transport for London maintains that this is not enough for most routes in the capital. It is relying instead on new hybrid Routemasters to make a reality of a central “ultra-low emission zone” by 2020. New London taxis are also required to be capable of running only on batteries by 2018, and five manufacturers are bidding for licences. The deadlines are unambitious and other cities and towns, including Coventry, Milton Keynes and Nottingham, are innovating faster with new charging methods. London claims to be leading the way to cleaner air. It is actually playing catch-up, and must speed up.

Green cars to rival Boris bikes

Philip Pank, The Times, March 13 2014

The “Boris bike” is morphing into the Bluecar as an electric hire vehicle that has opened up affordable green motoring to Parisians makes its way across the Channel.

Vincent Bolloré, the French billionaire, announced plans yesterday to let up to 3,000 of the compact vehicles loose on the streets of London, drawing power from 6,000 charge points.

Drivers will pay a monthly subscription fee of £5 plus £10 for each hour of motoring, which, Mr Bolloré says, is far cheaper than owning, insuring, maintaining and running a private car.

On a test drive yesterday, the vehicle proved adequate for London driving. Acceleration was more like that of a milk float than other low-emission vehicles, but for businessmen travelling to meetings or couples on an evening out, the four-seater car with a theoretical top speed of 68mph will certainly be cheaper than a black cab and more appealing than bicycle hire in the rain.

Mr Bolloré acknowledged that it might not be the best electric car on the market, but it was the cheapest and the most resilient, able to cope with 30 drivers a day.

Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, hopes that the car-sharing club will kick-start an electric car revolution. Drivers will be able to reserve a car at a specific location using a mobile phone app or a call centre.

Paris has 45,000 active users who between them take up to 13,000 journeys a day.

London air quality remains worse than in most other European cities, and since 2010 has been in breach of EU limits for nitrogen dioxide.

Councils get £146m to fix potholes created by floods

Philip Pank (Transport Correspondent), The Times, March 10 2014.

Councils are being given an extra £146 million to fix roads damaged by the winter floods, the Government announced yesterday. Local authorities welcomed the help, but warned that they were already facing a £10 billion backlog in repairs to the local roads network and large compensation claims from drivers who hit potholes last year.

A fund covering the areas worst hit by the flooding is being raised to £80 million from £36.5 million while £103 million is being made available from the Department for Transport.It is hoped that repairs can be completed in time for the school summer holidays.

Councils are required to publish details of where the money has been spent by the end of August. The money has come from departmental savings.

Patrick McLoughlin, the Transport Secretary, said: “This extra money will help make a real difference to the millions of road users and local residents who rely on local roads, giving them safer and smoother journeys.”

Mike Jones, chairman of the Local Government Association’s environment and housing board, said: “We do not yet know what the full bill for the cost of this winter’s devastating floods will be, but we expect it to be more than £140 million. Nevertheless, we are pleased the Government has recognised the need to provide funding.”

The widow of a charity cyclist who died after hitting a pothole says she has been left no option but to sue a council. Martyn Uzzell, 51, of Clevedon, Somerset, was killed in 2011 while on a fund-raising ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats. He hit a ditch on the A65 in North Yorkshire and was thrown into the path of a car. An inquest into his death was told that North Yorkshire Council had missed opportunities to repair the road. Kate Uzzell told the BBC: “[Suing] is not what I wanted to do. But I wanted there to be a prosecution and for them to stand up and be counted.”

Journal 75

The latest Journal was posted today, Thursday. If you have not yet renewed your membership, a membership form is included. Also included are details for the AGM, Wales on Wheels, and the Summer and Autumn Conferences – also see the Events page.

Journal 75 Contents

Glass – Handle with Care! Paul Lacey.
Role Country Carriers in the Lancaster Area, James Bowen.
Association Matters.
Obituary: Christopher Taylor.
Book Review: England’s Motoring Heritage from the Air by John Minnis.
Kent in World War Two: Transport in Doodelbug Alley, Robert McCloy.
Buffalo Bill’s Trasnport Legacy, Paul Lacey.
Teaching Grandchildren to Use Buses, Roger Atkinson.




Super-rich splash out on London’s luxury homes and costly cars

Deirdre Hipwell, The Times February 3 2014

If buying a luxury home and parking a Mercedes outside the front door is the ultimate sign of success, then business is booming again for the residents of the top neighbourhoods in London.

Research by Savills shows that the resurgence in the economy and the accumulation of wealth among the world’s super-rich have led to large increases in the purchases of luxury homes and cars.

The property consultant said that, in the year to October, there were 254,053 new registrations of Mercedes, BMW and Lexus cars — vehicles that range in price from £27,200 to £73,413. This reflects a 12 per cent rise on the previous period and surpasses the pre-crisis peak in May 2008, when there were 227,728 registrations.

Savills, using data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, added that sales were also rising at the top end of the car market. New registrations of Aston Martins, Bentleys and Porsches rose by 3 per cent to reach 10,400 last year, compared with a low of 6,000 during the recession.

The listing price of a Bentley Continental Supersports Convertible is £182,100, which is 74 per cent of the average price of a British home and equivalent to an 80 sq ft parcel of land in Mayfair. An Aston Martin DB9 V12 is not far behind at £143,080, 490 per cent higher than the average house deposit by a first-time buyer.

While luxury car sales have been rising, house sales in Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster, Camden and Hammersmith & Fulham — four of the capital’s top neighbourhoods — jumped by 10 per cent to 11,500 transactions during the same period. Cash buyers of homes overall rose by 15 per cent last year to reach 372,077 transactions, although this is still some way off the peak of 436,533 in August 2007.

Lucian Cook, head of residential research at Savills, said: “The two major purchases most people will make is a car and a house and what we can see here is there are some people that can afford to make these purchases relatively easily and, in some cases, entirely in cash.”


Sunbeam engine

Letter to The Times, February 3 2014.

‘The 350 HP Sunbeam Record Breaker was not fitted with a Manitou aircraft engine but with a purpose-designed engine.’

Sir, Your report on the National Motor Museum’s ceremonial firing-up of the 350 HP Sunbeam Record Breaker (Jan 30) was not entirely accurate. The car was not fitted with a Manitou aircraft engine but with a purpose-designed engine. This was emphatically pointed out to me in the 1970s by a Mr James who had joined the Sunbeam company in 1912 and worked on the development of the original Land Speed Record (LSR) car.

A fundamental difference lies in the valve layout: the LSR engine has three per cylinder whereas a Manitou had four. The car engine owes much of its parentage to the dangerously unsuccessful Sunbeam Arab crudely cribbed from the Hispano-Suiza aero-engine. Sunbeam had provided aero-engines in the Great War, mainly to the Admiralty, and had specialist experience and unsold parts at the close of hostilities — it would have drawn on both resources for the car.

Ian Walker

(Editor, Sunbeam, Talbot, Darracq Register Newsletter)
Datchworth, Herts


Welsh fare worst from rail services

The Times, December 8 2013

There are “huge disparities” in the quality of train services in different parts of Britain, according to a report.

Services are best in London, southeast England, northwest England, the West Midlands and Scotland, says the report from Credo, a business consultancy, and the Campaign for Better Transport .

However, rail services in Wales, eastern England and northeast England perform much less well.

Even though services in London are well used and have benefited from major investment, passenger satisfaction “is hindered by concern about cost and overcrowding”, the report says.

It adds that there are improvements to be made everywhere, with services in Wales, for example, being less well-used and being less accessible than in other regions, as well as suffering low passenger satisfaction levels.

The report also says that eastern and northeast England “have relatively sparse rail networks, making services inaccessible to many people”.

Stephen Joseph, the chief executive of the campaign, said: “The research exposes the huge disparities in the quality of train services across the country. Importantly, it suggests the answer is to give local administrations more control over their rail networks.”

Matt Lovering, transport practice director at Credo, said: “The research highlights important issues for rail right across the country.”

Peter Wilkinson, franchising director at the Department for Transport, said: “Credo’s study raises important issues about the relative performance of the rail industry across the UK. There are challenges for all regions in improving the performance of our railways.”

A spokesman for the Rail Delivery Group, which speaks for the railway industry, said: “While there is always room for improvement, rail passengers are travelling on services that are unrecognisably better when compared to 15 years ago.”


Business Histories of UK Tramways, York 5th February

Institute of Railway Studies & Transport History, York

Research Workshop

13.30-16.45, Wednesday 5th February 2014

Ian Souter
‘The British electric tram: basket case or barometer?’

Kevin Tennent (York Management School)
‘Management and competitive advantage in the public transport industry: York Corporation tramways, ca 1909-1934’

All welcome. Refreshments served. PLEASE NOTE THE EARLIER STARTING TIME. This is to accommodate the NRM’s earlier closing time in the low season.
The workshop is scheduled to take place in the Edmondson Room, Search Engine at the National Railway Museum. However we are expecting an even larger than usual attendance and might have to move to the Flying Scotsman (formerly Gibb) lecture theatre.

The NRM is about three minutes’ walk from the railway station, using the footbridge. Please use either the City or Car Park entrances and tell the staff at the welcome desk that you are attending the workshop.

Please note that NRM car-parking charges apply. Free disabled parking is available near the public entrances.

This workshop is financed by the National Railway Museum.


John Scholes Prize

The John Scholes Prize, of up to £250 (pounds Sterling), is awarded annually to the writer of an unpublished paper based on original research into any aspect of the history of transport and mobility. The prize is intended to recognise budding transport historians. It may be awarded to the writer of one outstanding article, or be divided between two or more entrants. Typically, the prize is awarded for research completed as part of a PhD.

Publication in the Journal of Transport History will be at the discretion of the Editor and subject to the normal refereeing process.

The prize is funded by the Transport History Research Trust in memory of John Scholes. John was the first Curator of Historical Relics at the British Transport Commission. The prize is awarded by the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M –


Entry is limited to researchers who, at the time of submission, are not yet in or have just commenced a permanent / tenured academic (or equivalent) position, and who are just starting to publish research.


Essays (in English, double-spaced) must not exceed 8,000 words (including footnotes). Sources must be documented fully. Entries must be submitted electronically, to arrive no later than Friday 27 June 2014. They should not bear any reference to the author or institutional affiliation.

Senior scholars will judge entries against criteria of originality, thoroughness and excellence of argument, source use, composition and illustration. The process is ‘double-blind’. The judges will not enter into correspondence.

A cover letter and a one-page CV must demonstrate eligibility for the prize.

Entries for the prize should be sent to the JTH Editor at The subject line of the message should read ‘John Scholes Prize entry 2014’.