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Geoffrey Hilditch

The Times, 9 August 2014

Bus company manager whose passion for his work helped to revive vehicles made in Britain

General managers of municipal bus companies were once prominent figures who had their names written in gold leaf on the side of the vehicles they shepherded through Britain’s towns and cities. As a bus-obsessed boy in Cheshire, Geoffrey Hilditch decided that one day his name would be emblazoned on the side of a bus.

In this quest, Hilditch had a profound impact on British buses as he climbed the industry ladder, becoming the youngest general manager of a bus company at 33, advising the Thatcher government on its privatisation of the industry in the mid-1980s and helping to secure the survival of British bus manufacturing.

He took great pleasure in driving the buses himself and his vision for the ideal urban workhorse was the Dennis Dominator: a rear-engined double decker, which he helped to develop in the 1970s while general manager at the Leicester bus company. Rear-engined buses had been introduced several years before to enable drivers to take fares and render the traditional conductor redundant. However, early versions brought out by Leyland and Scania were blighted by reliability problems. Hilditch was particularly frustrated with the industry leader British Leyland, which he witheringly called “Old Mother Leyland”. The ailing giant was riven with industrial strife and more focused on trying to develop new cars. Hilditch believed it was using its market dominance in buses to restrict customer choice.

He cited the Dennis Loline as one of the best-engineered buses and had bought the last five built in 1967. The Guildford-based manufacturer had not built a bus for several years when Hilditch provided the company with a scrap vehicle on which to experiment. While general manager at Leicester he bought 143 Dominators — powered by Gardner engines — from 1977. The Dominator proved its reliability by remaining in service in Leicester until 2005. Today, the last Dominator still in operation works on a school run in Washington, Tyne and Wear.

Hilditch cut a traditional figure with his old-fashioned suits and slicked-back hair, but as the industry faced change, he moved with the times. In one of his provocative columns in industry magazines, such as Buses, he claimed that government subsidies were only inflating the price of building buses. After taking early retirement from Leicester in 1984, he became a trusted adviser to the transport minister Nicholas Ridley, who was drawing up plans to deregulate and privatise the industry.

No shrinking violet, he shamed Ridley into shelving plans to transfer local government pension rights to the arms’ length organisations that would initially replace municipal companies. “How would you like it.” he told Ridley, “if you worked in an industry all your life only to see your retirement rights stripped away at once.”

Hilditch had always supported the principal of “buying British” and believed that the privatised industry could be sustained by domestic manufacturing and engineering. While at Leicester, he had supported the development of the Avon Maxwell automatic gearbox as a British alternative to the German-made Voith gearbox. “If the product cannot come from a British-owned company then hopefully most of the order will begin life in a British factory,” he said.

Hilditch was heartbroken as great names in bus manufacturing went out of business. “Every time one is closed, another design team is broken up and it is only through the competitive activities of design teams that the breed improves,” he said. However, he was cheered when British bus building began to recover recently, with the emergence of Wrightbus in Northern Ireland, and the consolidation of Alexander, Dennis and Plaxton into Alexander Dennis, which saved the Guildford plant.

Geoffrey Graham Hilditch was born in Disley, Cheshire in 1926 and won a scholarship to Hulme grammar school in Oldham. The local bus company — needing to disperse its fleet in case the main depot was bombed during the war — started parking several of its vehicles opposite the family home. Hilditch, became an “unofficial staff member”. Sent to a newsagent to buy some pipe tobacco for his father, he paused outside the shop transfixed by a passing tram. The shopkeeper asked: “Are you interested in transport, lad?” When the boy nodded shyly, the proprietor gave him a transport magazine. From that day on, Hilditch devoured any bus literature he could lay his hands on.

He became an apprentice railway engineer in Manchester, but his heart was on the buses. The existence of so many municipal bus companies was good news for ambitious young engineers and Hilditch moved to Oldham, Coventry, Manchester and Leeds before becoming assistant engineer at Halifax in 1955. The steep hills of the West Yorkshire town provided a great challenge for a bus engineer, especially keeping fuel consumption to a minimum. Hilditch often landed himself in trouble for telling bus manufacturing executives what was wrong with their models.

In 1959 he became the youngest general manager in the country, in Great Yarmouth. He moved back to Halifax to become general manager in 1963 and on to Leicester in 1975. Here, he built up a reputation for answering all customer correspondence personally. When the cowboys and cowgirls of Leicester Western Society were barred from buses because of their replica guns, he wrote to commiserate and started his letter: “Howdy Partners,” before telling them that with regret they would have to find another wagon for their journey.

He went to extraordinary lengths to recruit the best young engineers. One such was, David Kent, who was working in Reading and thought he had failed his interview. Several weeks later he was working under a bus when one of his colleagues reported that a “strange man” was wandering around the garage inspecting operations. Hilditch announced he was going up “to have a chat with Jenkins” (Royston Jenkins, the general manager). “Mr Jenkins, I’ve had a look at Mr Kent’s workshops. They seem OK. He’s coming to Leicester. When can he start? I need him now. We’ll sort out the terms and money. How about next Monday?”

Hilditch was appointed OBE for pioneering the first bus service for disabled people in Leicester; he worked on the design of the bus with the Second World War flying ace Douglas Bader.

Hilditch never dismissed bus enthusiasts, however eccentric, as oddities — perhaps because he recognised something of himself in them. His future wife Muriel found as she sat nervously in his parents’ parlour that she had to place her legs in front of a model railway that had snaked around the house for years.

When Hilditch moved to Halifax he drilled tunnels between the bedrooms of his house to add further authenticity to his model railway. Later, while at Leicester, he kept his spare train sets in what was the general manager’s private toilet. He also built up a large collection of model buses.

He is survived by their son Christopher, who has also worked as an engineer and manager in the bus industry, and a daughter, Diane, a special needs teacher who as a child once mischievously wrote to her father to complain about her school bus service. Muriel died in 2007.

His autobiography, Steel Wheels and Rubber Tyres, found a wide readership who appreciated his wry style and social commentary. The third and fourth volumes will be published later this year. He has been given an eight-page obituary in Buses.

Hilditch would give his young engineers a verbal roasting if he thought it would improve their performance, but many of his charges still looked up to him as a father figure. One of them, John Hanchett, was killed along with his wife when a tree fell on their car. The Hanchetts’ two orphaned children were brought up by Hilditch and his wife.

Geoffrey Hilditch, OBE, bus manager, was born on February 27, 1926. He died of a heart attack on June 20, 2014, aged 88

French staff get on their bikes — for a small fee

The Times, Adam Sage, 13 August 2014

Thousands of French employees are being paid to pedal to work, under a government plan to take cycling beyond the Tour de France.

At present, millions of French people use la petite reine (the little queen), as the bicycle is nicknamed, for weekend rides, but relatively few do so to get to work. The transport ministry wants to change that with a system of financial incentives.

The project has been started on an experimental basis at 19 companies, with some members of staff earning hundreds of euros a month to pedal to the office or factory. If the experiment proves a success, all companies will be forced to offer their personnel the bike bonus, according to the transport ministry.

The initiative follows a study suggesting that bicycles account for only 2.4 per cent of journeys in France, compared with 8 per cent in Belgium and 25 per cent in the Netherlands.

The companies involved in the trial employ a total of about 10,000 people, and have agreed to pay their staff €2.50 for every 10km — about £1 for every three miles — that they cycle to work.

Managers say that many employees have taken to pedalling home for lunch to increase their bonus payments. Some are clocking up dozens of kilometres every day; the newspaper Le Figaro says that one man earned €345 in July.

French law obliges companies to meet 50 per cent of the cost of public transport for staff on home-to-work journeys. The authorities also give tax breaks to companies that offset the cost of petrol for employees who rely on their cars to commute.

“This trial will enable us to evaluate whether the system can be extended to the bicycle,” Frédéric Cuvillier, the transport minister, said. “I want the bicycle to become a means of transport in its own right.”

A recent report for the Ministry for Sustainable Development said that France used the bicycle until the Second World War, but then abandoned it in favour of the car.

Although the French still buy three million bicycles every year — the third highest rate per person in Europe, behind Germany and the Netherlands — they use them largely for leisure, according to the report. The result is that the average French person covers 55 miles a year on a bicycle, compared with 500 miles in Denmark.

Slow Rider Top Stuff! Top Gear man breaks ranks to back The Times on bikes

The Times Leader, 14 August 2014

James May doesn’t rock, long hair and leather jackets notwithstanding, but he does roll. He rolls on special occasions in a Ferrari and on airport runs in a Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead. For longer urban errands he uses a small new BMW, and for shorter ones a folding Brompton bicycle.

Mr May’s admitted use of a bike is not the only thing that sets him apart from Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond, his fellow Top Gear presenters, who call him Captain Slow. He is also, from today, the first of them to endorse The Times’ campaign for safer cycling.

This counts as progress — for the campaign, which emphatically shares the May view that “the roads belong to everybody”, and perhaps for Mr May himself. For it was barely five months ago that he took part in the presentation of four Top Gear cycle safety videos to Westminster Council. One suggested: “Work harder. Buy a car.”

Not everyone got the joke. In Oregon, where green radicals mingle uneasily with monster truck racers, there was earnest debate over whether the three British petrolheads might actually be serious. Back in Britain, one two-wheeled hill-climbing evangelist said he was “so angry I could put my fist through the TV”. The truth is Mr May is much more than a car guy. He is a former choirboy, a competent flautist and a well-read oenophile. It is hardly surprising that he sees the health benefits and the sheer common sense of cycling , which include the fact that more people on bicycles means more space left for driving.

In the manner of Rodney “can’t we all get along” King after the Los Angeles riots, he asks for an end to “road sectarianism”. He even backs our call for 4 per cent of the transport budget to be spent on better bike paths, which some believe should include “pootling” paths for slower riders. Captain Slow, meet Mr Pootler.

Top Gear rides to rescue of cyclists

The Times, Kaya Burgess, 14 August 2014

James May, the Top Gear presenter, has called for an end to “sectarianism” between drivers and cyclists on the roads and has given his support to The Times’s Cities Fit for Cycling campaign.

James May

The presenter is best known for his motoring expertise and 15-year association with Top Gear, but he also owns three bicycles and uses a folding bike to make short journeys near his west London home.

The Times’s campaign calls on the government to create an annual budget for building safe cycle routes, to encourage more people to travel by bicycle.

“I’m all for bicycles in cities,” said May, who has never been without one since he was three. “We use bicycles to go around locally and also for fun occasionally. Typically, our bike rides would be three or four miles. I go to the shops on it.”

He said that even Jeremy Clarkson, his Top Gear co-presenter, uses a bicycle for short journeys near his Oxfordshire home.

Cyclists and motorists are often depicted as warring tribes, but May said this was a dangerous attitude.

“We need to get rid of road sectarianism,” he said. “Car drivers supposedly hate cyclists, cyclists hate taxi drivers, taxi drivers hate motorcyclists, bus drivers hate lorries. I just think if everybody was a little bit more pragmatic, that would do more for safety.”

May, 51, dismissed claims from some motorists that cyclists do not belong on the roads.

“I would say that the roads belong to everybody,” he said. “That old argument that ‘I pay road tax and the bicycle doesn’t’ often isn’t true. In any case, roads are funded centrally so the tax [from Vehicle Excise Duty] doesn’t actually go on roads, so no one has a greater right to the road than anybody else, that’s nonsense.”

May said that cycling was “not going to cure the world of all its ills” and was not ideal for long commutes, but he said that increasing the number of cyclists would help to free up Britain’s “ludicrously overcrowded” roads.

“The benefits to driving if people ride bicycles are that there is more space left for driving,” he said. “It’s a simple arithmetic truism.”

This week marks a year since David Cameron pledged a “cycling revolution”. British Cycling has criticised the prime minister for failing to create an annual cycling budget to deliver his promise.

The Commons transport committee called on the government last month to spend £600 million a year on cycling. This is also a demand of The Times’s Cities Fit for Cycling campaign, supported by the AA and British Cycling.

Asked if he agreed with calls for this annual budget, worth about 4 per cent of the transport budget, May said: “Yes, I think that is fair enough.”

He added, however, that many cycle lanes found on roads were “complete bollocks” and created confusion rather than improved safety. Urban planners should spend more time riding bikes to understand what was needed, he said.

Asked if he supported plans in London to build segregated cycle routes on major roads, he said: “That would take a lot of brains and thought, but it is an essentially good idea.” May said that the presence of cyclists on roads was now an accepted part of city life. “Cycling is becoming more popular in London, there are a lot of bikes and people are starting to recognise that they need to be accommodated.

“There are so many more bicycles now than there were, say, a decade ago, that people notice them and subconsciously we are modifying the way we drive around town.

“There are people who talk about wanting to make safety clothing mandatory, road tax for bicycles, registering them and insuring them,” he added. “I think all that stuff is utter nonsense. The whole point of the bike is that you get on it and you ride it and you can ride it when you’re a kid or when you’re absolutely flat broke and it’s so agile.”

May encouraged cyclists to find quiet backstreet routes to avoid dangerous roads and suggested that it was reasonable for cyclists to ride “slowly and carefully” on wide pavements

In a less practicable suggestion, he also joked that London Tube lines could be torn up, with the tunnels turned into “bicycle and moped superhighways”.

The Times’s Cities Fit for Cycling campaign includes calls for:

All parties to pledge to create a £600 million annual cycling budget — just 4 per cent of the transport budget.

More than £900 million has been pledged in London over the next decade. More than £300 million has been spent for the rest of UK since 2010, but this is only one eighth of the level recommended by the Commons transport committee and no annual budget has yet been created.

All roads to be made safe for cycling at the design stage and for dangerous junctions to be redesigned

The government is due to release its Cycling Delivery Plan this month, outlining “cycle-proofing” measures. More than 10,000 Times readers identified blackspots on a map which was passed to the government as a guide.

All lorries operating in urban areas to be fitted with sensors, cameras and extra mirrors

The capital will ban lorries without extra mirrors and side-guards. Some supermarkets and cement firms and contractors have already insisted on fleets of cycle-friendly lorries.

Cycle safety to be a core part of the National Curriculum and the driving test

Funding for Bikeability training in schools has been extended to 2016, but many schoolchildren still do not receive it. The AA and BSM have introduced cycle safety as a module for all instructors.

Follow the campaign at

four days by bus from Land’s End to John O’Groats

The Telegraph, 5 July 2014

Spending four days and £170 on buses, Adam Mugliston beats the record by nearly a day

Adam Mugliston, who broke the record for the quickest journey from Land's End to John O'Groats by busA 16-year-old schoolboy has broken the record for the fastest journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats – by public bus.

Adam Mugliston spent four days and £170 on tickets travelling 1,167 miles on 36 different buses to beat the previous record by nearly a day.

He spent months poring over bus timetables to plan the quickest route and set off on his epic journey to mark the completion of his GCSEs.

Adam said: “I’m pretty knackered and glad to be home now. I got hardly any sleep, getting in after midnight and up again to get the bus before 6am.

“It was all worth it though. It was a great trip.

“My parents were a little worried about it but they were fine. They dropped me off at Land’s End.

“I’m in Year 11 and this is my way of celebrating finishing my exams.”

Adam, of Suffolk, started his journey on the number 1 bus from Land’s End to Truro on Monday (June 23) at 7.21am.

He made overnight stops at Bridgwater, Crewe, Newcastle, and Dundee Premier Inns – because the hotel chain was happy to accommodate a 16-year-old without parents.

Four days, 10 hours and 44 minutes later he stepped off the X97 at John O’Groats.

He came close to missing a bus change on his second day as the number 46 from Stroud to Cheltenham, Glos., was running late.

Adam only had nine minutes to spare when he got off the bus – just enough time to get his bearings and board the 801 to Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

The schoolboy has a passion for public transport and hopes to work in the industry after university.

He said: “Buses have always been my thing and I read about people trying the challenge so I thought I’d give it a go but do it quicker. After all, why not?

“I don’t know why, but I’ve always had an interest in buses. I want to go to university to study transport and hopefully get work with Transport for London. I’ve got work experience there this summer.

“I’d love to work in scheduling transport. That has been an issue while planning this trip.”

There is no official Guinness World Record for the feat but Adam’s time is believed to be almost a day quicker than anyone has completed the journey before.

Adrian Cole, membership secretary of the Land’s End John O’ Groats Association, said he had not heard of anyone coming close to Adam’s time before.

Mr Cole said: “Four days beggars belief. His predictions on bus times must have worked out well.

“From my experience on the buses – and I work for a bus company – that is really quite impressive.”

James Aukett, who works for London Buses, completed the journey in five days, seven hours and 25 minutes in 2011.

Steve Gibbs, 74, will be attempting the epic trip in August, but without as much cost as he will use his bus pass. He hopes to raise ?20,000 for Children In Need.

The record breaking route

Monday June 23

7:21 – 1 from Land’s End to Penzance, arriving at 8.30.

9.33 – 18 from Penzance to Truro, arriving at 11.16.

11.45 – 594 from Truro to Wadebridge, arriving at 12:55.

14.00 – 510 from Wadebridge to Exeter, arriving at 16.32.

17:00 – 1B from Exeter to Willand, arriving at 17.58.

18.22 – 22 from Willand to Taunton, arriving at 19.12.

19.55 – 21 from Taunton to Bridgwater, arriving at 20.39.

Tuesday June 24

5.48 – 21 from Bridgwater to Weston-super-Mare, arriving at 7.10.

7.32 – X1 from Weston-super-Mare to Bristol, arriving at 8.41.

9.02 – 47 from Bristol to Yate, arriving at 9.47.

10.15 – 84 from Yate to Wotton-under-Edge, arriving at 10.53.

11.30 – 40 from Wotton-under-Edge to Stroud, arriving at 12.10.

12.50 – 46 from Stroud to Cheltenham, arriving at 13.36.

13.45 – 801 from Cheltenham to Moreton-in-Marsh, arriving at 14.55 (did not arrive until 15.06).

15.15 – 22 from Moreton-in-Marsh to Stratford-upon-Avon, arriving at 16.20.

17.05 – X20 from Stratford-upon-Avon to Birmingham, arriving at 18.37.

19.15 – X51 from Birmingham to Walsall, arriving at 19.47.

20.05 – 2 from Walsall to Cannock, arriving at 20.40.

21.00 – 74 from Cannock to Stafford, arriving at 21.30.

21.53 – 101 from Stafford to Hanley, arriving at 22.47.

23.19 – 20 from Hanley to Crewe, arriving at 00.10.

Wednesday June 25

6.04 – 38 from Crewe to Macclesfield, arriving at 7.00.

7.15 – 130 from Macclesfield to Manchester, arriving at 9.22.

10.28 – 184 from Manchester to Huddersfield, arriving at 12.24.

12.45 – X6 from Huddersfield to Leeds, arriving at 14.07.

14.40 – 843 from Leeds to Scarborough, arriving at 17.37.

18.15 – X93 from Scarborough to Middlesbrough, arriving at 20.23.

20.15 – X10 from Middlesbrough to Newcastle, arriving at 22.23.

Thursday June 26

10.33 – X15 from Newcastle to Berwick-upon-Tweed, arriving at 12.58.

13.55 – 253 from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Edinburgh, arriving 16.08.

18.45 – X59 from Edinburgh to Guardbridge, arriving at 20.27.

21.02 – 99A from Guardbridge to Dundee, arriving at 21.02.

Friday June 27

6.30 – X7 from Dundee to Aberdeen, arriving at 9.01.

9.25 – 10 from Aberdeen to Inverness, arriving at 13.14.

14.40 – X99 from Inverness to Dunbeath, arriving at 16.56.

17.01 – X97 from Dunbeath to John O’Groats, arriving at

18.02. Three minute walk to the John O’Groats sign, arriving at 18.05.


Veterans’ Coach Tour Operator Calls a Halt

The Times, Miles Costello, 26 July 2014

A family owned bus and coach company that transports war veterans to the D-day landing sites in France fell into administration yesterday, sparking almost 90 job losses and leaving about 1,000 ticket holders in the lurch.

Staff at Hatts Coaches, which has been owned by the Hillier family since 1928, were told that the company had brought in administrators at FRP Advisory after running out of cash.

Hatts, which has sites in Salisbury, Worton and Foxham in Wiltshire, had been operating day trips to destinations in Britain and is popular among pensioners. Its fourth-generation family owners have been struggling for weeks to refinance the business.

It operated a fleet of 90 buses and coaches and provided the coach service for Bath Rugby team, a park-and-ride service on the outskirts of Salisbury city centre and trips to and from Dauntsey’s, the private school.

The administration also affected Bodmans Coaches, which employs 13 people, and Hatts’ direct mail order company, HQT.

However, with the business not thought to be a member of the Association of British Travel Agents or to have travel bonds, customers with pre-booked tickets are unlikely to be able to claim back their money. Those who booked using a credit or bank card should be able to obtain a refund from their provider, the administrators said.

Andrew Sheridan, an FRP partner and joint administrator, said: “The businesses simply ran out of cash. We are acutely aware of the distress and hardship many holidaymakers and day trippers will be suffering right now, particularly as so many of these are of an ‘older generation’.

“Our priority right now is to contact and provide dedicated helpline support for those who have paid for holidays, day trips and other private hire with Hatts.”

FRP said that it would continue to operate the park-and-ride in Salisbury and the Pewsey Vale Connect 2 Bus service with co-operation from Wiltshire County Council while it seeks a new owner. At present that has safeguarded 32 jobs.

The rest of the business has had to stop trading immediately and 89 staff have been made redundant.

The helpline number is 0800 4704633.

All new taxis will be hybrid by 2018 in capital detox

The Times, Ben Webster, Environment Editor, 30 July 2014

Taxis and buses will automatically switch to “zero emission” electric mode on the country’s best-known shopping street and other roads where toxic diesel fumes are damaging people’s health.

New “geo-fencing” technology will ensure that when the hybrid vehicles cross boundaries into areas at risk of high air pollution, such as Oxford Street in London, they switch from diesel or petrol to electricity.

All new taxis in the capital from January 1, 2018, will have to be “zero emission capable” and there will be 1,700 hybrid buses on the road by 2016, under plans by Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, to avoid hundreds of millions of pounds in EU fines for failing to hit air quality targets.

An air pollution monitoring station in Oxford Street has recorded one of the world’s highest average levels of nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant from diesel exhausts linked to 7,000 premature deaths a year, according to King’s College London. The annual mean of 135 micrograms per cubic metre of air [mcg/m3] is more than three times the EU limit.

Matthew Pencharz, the mayor’s environment adviser, said it would not be practical to switch all buses and taxis to pure electric operation, partly as batteries do not have sufficient range.

“In the most polluted areas of town, the taxis would be in electric mode but when bombing down the M4 to Heathrow, they would have a little motor going,” he said. “With geo-fencing technology, when the vehicle crosses a particular line, it will go into electric mode. Some of our buses in future will also be doing this.”

“The technology can be responsive, so if one bit of town is more polluted than another, then the buses and taxis would switch to electric mode where the pollution was worse.” He said that “in due course” the technology could be fitted to private cars.

Yesterday, motoring organisations welcomed Mr Johnson’s decision to give drivers of existing diesel cars six years’ notice that they will be required to pay about £10 more a day to drive into the central London congestion charging zone from 2020.

“Very few cars enter central London so these measures will have more effect on the growing numbers of small businesses and service vehicles on whom London’s economy relies,” said Edmund King, the AA president. “They will have to plan ahead to change their vehicles if they are to stay in business.

“It is somewhat ironic that cars are banned from the most polluted street in London, Oxford Street. The vehicles that have most effect on air quality in London are buses, taxis and trucks.”

Ten million cars in Britain run on diesel engines — a third of the total.

Diesel drivers face new charges to cut pollution

The Times, Ben Webster, Environment Editor, 29 July 2014

Drivers of diesel cars face penalties and restrictions to combat the growing threat posed by air pollution in cities, The Times has learnt.

Almost all diesel vehicle drivers will have to pay an extra £10 to drive into central London under plans being drawn up by Boris Johnson, the mayor of London. Other cities across the country are looking urgently at ways to cut diesel fumes in order to comply with clean air rules from Europe.

Mr Johnson will also lobby the government to raise road tax on diesel cars to encourage motorists to switch to cleaner vehicles.

Air pollution causes about 29,000 premature deaths a year in Britain and the problem has been worsened by the rapid shift to diesel prompted by government tax incentives designed to lower carbon emissions.

Labour is planning a national network of low emission zones that would force older diesel vehicles out of many cities. Sheffield, Leicester, Bradford, Birmingham, Bristol and 15 other cities with poor air quality are considering introducing low emission zones. Oxford introduced one for buses this year and may extend it to other vehicles.

The £10 charge in the capital would be on top of the congestion charge and would come into play in 2020, meaning that diesel drivers would pay at least £20 to drive into the central London “ultra low emission zone”.

Only those diesels that meet the Euro 6 emissions standard will be exempt. Petrol cars registered before 2006 will also have to pay.

The initiatives are being driven by the threat of heavy fines from the European Commission for breaching air pollution limits. The commission launched legal proceedings against Britain in February.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs admitted that London, Birmingham and Leeds would be exposed to dangerous air pollution from vehicle exhausts until the 2030s unless tougher action were taken. Diesel vehicles produce nitrogen dioxide, which can inflame the lung lining and lead to respiratory disease.

Mr Johnson will launch an “air quality manifesto” today that he claims will take London two thirds of the way to compliance with EU limits. He will say that the government and the commission must deliver the other third.

The government should reverse the incentives for diesel by increasing vehicle excise duty rates and the commission should establish a fund to help cities to switch to electric cars.

Matthew Pencharz, the mayor’s environment adviser, said: “We want to see an unwinding of incentives that have driven people to diesel. Euro engine standards on emissions have not delivered the savings expected, meaning we now have a legacy of a generation of dirty diesels.”

He said the ultra low emission zone, which will have the same boundaries as the congestion charge zone, would encourage drivers of diesel cars to switch back to petrol engines or buy the latest diesel models complying with the new Euro 6 standard. Mr Pencharz dismissed calls by environment groups and some scientists for a ban on most diesel cars in London and said that a £10 charge from 2020 would be fairer.

“It would not be reasonable to say, ‘I’m sorry, you have just bought that car but it’s now banned.’ People bought them in good faith and it’s not fair to clobber them,” he said. “We think a five-year notice gives enough warning. People who drive in once a month might not buy a newer car whereas somebody who drives in every day probably would do.”

Simon Birkett, director of the campaign group Clean Air in London, said that Mr Johnson had previously encouraged dirty diesel cars by exempting smaller ones from the congestion charge.

Smart seatbelts give sleepy drivers a wake-up call

The Times, Oliver Moody, 23 July 2014

Scientists hope to prevent hundreds of road deaths in Britain each year with a seatbelt that wakes motorists up when it senses that they are falling asleep at the wheel.

Devices implanted in the seatbelt and seat cover of a car will keep track of the driver’s breathing and heartbeat to catch signs of tiredness and set off an alarm long before the risk of an accident becomes critical.

In 2013 more than 1,700 people died in road accidents in Britain, and previous studies have estimated that fatigued drivers account for between a fifth and a third of all road deaths in Europe.

The approach of sleep slows people’s reaction times and makes it harder to concentrate, and the number of fatigue-related accidents peaks after lunch between 2pm and 4pm, with another spike in the early hours of the morning.

Truck drivers and shift workers are most likely to nod off at the wheel, and 85 per cent of the motorists who cause crashes through sleep or tiredness are male. Men under 30 are most at risk of fatigue on the roads.

Some car models already keep track of signs that suggest the driver might be falling asleep, including how well they stay in their lanes and how smoothly they accelerate and brake.

The seatbelt project, which is called HARKEN and is led by Spanish and Portuguese engineers, as well as scientists from the University of Manchester, aims to pick up telltale indicators from the driver’s body far in advance of any danger. The heart rate and the frequency of breathing fall as sleep approaches.

Made from “smart” fibres, the devices feed the driver’s vital signs into a dashboard display. The technology has been calibrated to eliminate the “noise” caused by the motion of the car.

The developers claim that the system is “completely unobtrusive” and close to fruition. The seatbelts have been tested on race tracks and are shortly to go on trial on Spanish roads.

José Solaz , of the Institute of Biomechanics in Valencia, said that early tests had yielded “positive and reliable results” and that he expected the devices to appear on the roads in the near future. It is not yet clear how much they will cost.

“The variations in heart and respiratory rate are good indicators of the state of the driver as they are related to fatigue,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “So when people go into a state of fatigue or drowsiness, modifications appear in their breathing and heart rate.

“[The device] can monitor those variables and therefore warn the driver before the symptoms appear.”

A team of scientists from Nottingham Trent University are working on a similar project in which electrocardiograms are embedded into the fabric of car seats, setting off an alert to pull over when the driver shows signs of sleepiness. If the alarm does not wake the motorist up, the system is designed to activate cruise control or other automatic driving technology.

The seat covers will be marketed at lorry drivers and the owners of luxury cars if they prove to be effective.

‘Supermodel’ gets a career boost thanks to some Smart thinking

The Times, Robert Lea, 17 July 2014

The Smart car, the industry-defining Mercedes-Benz micro car whose losses over the years have run into the billions, has for the first time in ten years been given an upgrade.

Last night in Berlin, the global capital of the Smart car, Mercedes revealed a new fuel-efficient ForTwo two-seater and a new version of the ForFour four-seater, a car discontinued in the middle of the last decade.

Taking his cue from the recent Berlin Fashion Week, Dieter Zetsche, the famously politically incorrect head of Mercedes, said of the Smart car: “Like the fashion models they have a small appetite and perfect measurements, and like a supermodel they have long, successful careers.”

In reality, despite defining the future for small city cars as long ago as 1998, the development of the Smart car has stalled for lack of investment.

That has changed with the announcement of a cost-sharing development agreement with Renault-Nissan. The new Smart cars will, like their predecessors, be built in Hambach, on the Franco-German border, but also in Slovenia where Renault is building its city car, the Twingo.

“We were afraid that we would lose ground,” said Dr Zetche of the long wait for a new Smart car. “But we have been selling 100,000 a year, which is an accomplishment given the generation of the product.”

The new Smart cars will come on to the market starting at €10,300 (£9,000), similar to current pricing.

Annette Winkler, chief executive of the Smart brand, said that she envisaged Smart’s competition to be its new stablemate, the Renault Twingo, the Fiat 500 and the Volkswagen Up — and to a certain extent the smaller versions of the Mini.

Dr Zetsche declined to comment on the extent of Smart car losses during the 20 years that Mercedes has been involved in its development and production. “We plainly need to generate value and that is why we are in co-operation with Renault-Nissan, sharing the development costs and the components and to get the scale,” he said.

“We definitely expect to be selling more than 100,000 a year in the future and we now have the foundation for a business case going forward.”

Mercedes will continue to make its current generation of electric Smarts until 2016, but Dr Zetsche said that the company, like many other conventional manufacturers, remain wary of a technology that gives vehicles limited range while investment in charging infrastructure remains in its infancy.

The big wins for the Smart car are the trend toward car-sharing schemes and street-side car hiring projects. “It means the Smart is functional but also cool because it is the way a lot of people, especially a lot of young people, want to drive in cities,” Dr Zetsche said.